Service Connections
How to Connect to the Water District

Domestic Service Only
Martin County FWSD 1 was created to and will only provide water service for domestic use.
Domestic use is the use of water by an individual or a household to support domestic activity. Such use may include water for
culinary purposes
irrigation of lawns or a family garden and/or orchard
watering domestic animals and livestock
water recreation and wildlife enjoyment
Domestic use does not include supplying water:
to properties or establishments in business to
sell products
provide goods, services, or repairs
for employee and customer convenience
to business enterprises for which consideration is given or received (which causes increases in water demand)
for distribution to others outside the District
The District shall determine service classification upon evaluating the applicant's or customer's service requirements.
Email completed Service Applications to martincountyfwd@gmail.com
Standard Service
Martin County FWSD 1 will provide a single service connection. The connection will consist of a one-inch pipe stubbed out or equipped with a hose bib for domestic use.
Water is supplied via gravity flow from the District's well system at pressure to the stub out or hose bib.
The customer is responsible for providing the necessary facilities and water pressure to serve the customer's needs from the stub/hose.
No other service will be provided.

Prohibition of Multiple Connections to a Single Tap
Martin Couny FWSD 1 prohibits multiple connections through a single tap.
All connections of any dwelling, household, or water-consuming connection receiving or planning to receive water service, directly or indirectly from the District's water system, shall individually apply for service.
To ensure compliance with TCEQ rules and regulations as minimum service standards, the district must maintain adequate records of the number of users on the water system.
Any unauthorized sub-connections of service shall be considered multiple connections and subject to disconnection of service. If the District has reason to believe multiple connections exists, the District shall discontinue service.
The District may consider service to multiple connections on a quarter section of land, provided the total number of units served is not considered a commercial enterprise for rental, lease, or non-domestic use.